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Version: 1.0 prerelease

Install additional dependencies

Some environments and Data Sources require additional Python libraries or third party utilities that are not included in the base installation of GX Core. Use the information provided here to install the necessary dependencies for Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and SQL databases.

GX Core uses the Python library boto3 to access objects stored in Amazon S3 buckets, but you must configure your Amazon S3 account and credentials through AWS and the AWS command line interface (CLI).



Python interacts with AWS through the boto3 library. GX Core makes use of this library in the background when working with AWS. Although you won't use boto3 directly, you'll need to install it in your virtual environment.

To set up boto3 with AWS, and use boto3 within Python, see the Boto3 documentation.

  1. Run the following code to verify the AWS CLI version:
Terminal input
aws --version

If this command does not return AWS CLI version information, reinstall or update the AWS CLI. See Install or update to the latest version of the AWS CLI.

  1. Run one of the following pip commands to install boto3 in your virtual environment:
Terminal input
python -m pip install boto3


Terminal input
python3 -m pip install boto3
  1. Run the following code to verify your AWS credentials are properly configured:
Terminal input
aws sts get-caller-identity

When your credentials are properly configured, your UserId, Account, and Arn are returned. If your credentials are not configured correctly, an error message appears. If you received an error message, or you couldn't verify your credentials, see Configure the AWS CLI.

  1. Install the Python dependencies for AWS S3 support.

If you installed GX in a virtual environment, your environment should be active when you install these dependencies.

Run the following code to install the optional dependencies required by GX to work with AWS S3:

Terminal input
python -m pip install 'great_expectations[s3]'

GX Core and the requirements for the boto3 Python library are installed.

Next steps