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Version: 1.0 prerelease


To contribute to Great Expectations documentation or code, see one of the following resources:

  • To request a documentation change, or a change that doesn't require local testing, see the README in the docs repository.

  • To submit a code change to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_CODE in the great_expectations repository.

  • To create and submit a Custom Expectation to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_EXPECTATIONS in the great_expectations repository.

  • To submit a custom package to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_PACKAGES in the great_expectations repository.

If you're not sure where to start, or you want to learn what other contributors are doing, go to the Great Expectations Slack community and introduce yourself in the #contributing channel.

If you're interested in helping out, review the GitHub issues list and self-assign a help wanted issue labels. If you can't find an issue that interests you, and you want to add an improvement or change, create a new issue. If you're working on an existing or new issue, add a comment to introduce yourself and to let everyone know you’re working on the issue.